Date Published: 08-14-2023
Topic: News

You notice behavior changes in your teen and wonder – does my young adult need mental health support?


Your young adult has difficulty sleeping and waking up on time, is often late to class, or doesn’t want to attend school. They can no longer focus or have trouble concentrating. Maybe the signs are more subtle, like a lack of motivation, falling grades, mood swings, or withdrawal from friends and social activities.


Teen mental health is a serious issue affecting millions of young people worldwide.

One in seven people aged 10 to 19 experiences a mental disorder globally. Depression, anxiety, and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.


Friends, teachers, and family can make all the difference in a person’s recovery process.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 20% of adolescents aged 13 to 18 experience a mental health disorder yearly. Some of the most common mental health disorders in teens include depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Early intervention is essential for treating teen mental health disorders. These disorders can seriously impact a teen’s academic performance, social relationships, and overall well-being if left untreated.


Consider Online Mental Health Services for Teens


Online mental health services can be convenient and affordable for parents to connect their teens with help. These services allow teens to access care from the comfort of their homes without traveling to an office. They also offer flexible scheduling options, which can be helpful for busy families.


In addition, online mental health services are often more affordable than traditional therapy. This is because they do not require the same overhead costs as healthcare providers paying for rent and office staff.


If you are concerned about your teen’s mental health, there are a few things you can do.

      First, talk to your teen about your concerns. Let them know that you are there to support them and want to help them get the help they need.

      Second, research online mental health services and find one that is a good fit for your teen.

      Finally, talk to your teen about starting therapy and help them find a therapist who is a good match for them.


Benefits of Online Mental Health Services for Busy Families


Online mental health services offer several advantages for busy families. These services can be:


      Convenient: Teens can access care from their homes without traveling to an office. This can be especially helpful for families who live in rural areas or who have busy schedules.

      Flexible: Teens can schedule appointments around their busy schedules. This can be helpful for teens who have extracurricular activities or have difficulty making it to appointments during traditional business hours.

      Affordable: Online mental health services are often more affordable than traditional therapy. This is because they do not require the same overhead costs, such as rent and office staff.

      Discreet. Misconceptions and social stigma surrounding mental health often serve as barriers to treatment. Accessing necessary mental health services via online therapists can help improve access to such healthcare.


How to Find a Qualified Online Therapist Who Specializes in Teen Mental Health


When choosing an online therapist for your teen, finding someone qualified and experienced in working with teens is essential. Here are a few tips for finding a qualified online therapist:


      Look for a therapist who is licensed and experienced in working with teens. You can find this information by checking the therapist’s website or contacting the state licensing board.

      Read reviews from other parents. This can be a helpful way to get feedback from other parents who have used the therapist’s services.

      Interview potential therapists. This is an excellent way to get to know the therapist and ensure they are a good fit for your teen.


Tips for Talking to Your Teen About Mental Health


Talking to your teen about mental health can be difficult, but starting the conversation is important. Here are a few tips for talking to your teen about mental health and getting them started with online therapy:


      Start by talking to your teen about their feelings and concerns. Let them know you are there to listen and want to help them.

      Explain the benefits of online therapy. Online therapy can be a confidential and convenient way for teens to get help.

      Help your teen find a therapist who is a good fit for them. Consider your teen’s personality and needs when choosing a therapist.

      Be supportive and encouraging throughout the process. Let your teen know that you are there for them and believe in them.



When it comes to your teen’s mental health, early intervention [AMDCC1] is best. Online mental health services can be a convenient and affordable way for busy families to connect their teens with help. Be sure to visit the LASO Health website to learn more about our online mental health services for teens.


LASO Health Can Help You Save on Healthcare


LASO Health is an excellent option if you are looking for a convenient, affordable, high-quality, accessible healthcare solution. LASO Health offers convenient access to a board-certified network of healthcare providers that can provide you with the care you need at an affordable, set price - no insurance and no surprise bills.


LASO Health offers transparent pricing, membership-based telemedicine services, prescription savings, and health advocacy to help you reduce medical expenses. Our user-friendly bilingual platform makes accessing these features and managing your healthcare needs easy. And since LASO partners with the  Walmart Health Virtual Care[2]  network,  our one-price access to unlimited talk therapy means families can plan for affordable ongoing therapy services. 


Give LASO Health a try – it’s free to download and can help you save on medical costs on your first visit.

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