Date Published: 01-17-2022
Topic: News

Novel coronavirus tests (COVID-19) tests are conducted in state and county health labs, as well as academic, private, and commercial labs. COVID 19 testing is done quickly and results are highly accurate.

It’s entirely possible for a patient to receive testing in as little as five minutes and receive their results in fewer than three weeks. With the tremendous amount of pressure COVID-19 has placed on the nation, receiving COVID-19 testing normally results in stress.

If you have scheduled a COVID-19 test or plan to visit a testing site immediately, here’s what you can generally expect.

What Happens During a COVID-19 Test

COVID-19 testing involves inserting a 6-inch long swab, that looks like a long Q-tip) into the cavity between the mouth and the nose. This is called a nasopharyngeal swab. The swab will be inserted into your nose for approximately 15 seconds and rotated several times. 

The procedure is then conducted on the other nose to ensure that enough material is obtained. When the COVID-19 test is completed, the swab is placed into a container and sent to the lab for further testing. 

Should I Receive COVID 19 Testing?

Your healthcare provider can deliver the best advice to you on whether or not you should be screened for coronavirus. Public health officials are aggressively trying to maintain the virus through isolation and early identification. 

You should render yourself available to COVID-19 testing if:

  • Symptomatic and hospitalized individuals (or people about to be hospitalized to undergo procedure)

  • People in group living facilities and health care workers

  • Social service employees and first responders

  • People exposed to infected individuals or located in places where COVID-19 risk is abnormally high.

Should Everyone Be Tested for COVID-19?

It is not possible to test everyone for coronavirus. This level of COVID-19 testing is not logical, practical, or affordable. COVID-19 tests are like a snapshot. They are only a photo of the time when a sample is received.

Therefore, tests for people who haven’t been in contact with exposed persons or don’t have any symptoms will almost certainly come back negative. COVID 19 testing should instead be targeted toward these five groups:

  • People most likely to have the disease (through symptoms and contact with infected people).

  • People who would be at a greater risk of COVID 19 complications (those over the age of 65 and have underlying conditions).

  • People who cannot practice social distancing (first responders, grocery store employees, health care workers, mass transit workers, etc).

  • People in confined living situations (prisons, assisted living facilities, etc).

  • People who are having procedures or hospitalized.

Get Tested Today!

If you believe that you could be at risk for contracting COVID 19, then you should get tested. Contact us today to learn more about our COVID-19 testing options for more information.